Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Apple iPod shuffle 1 GB New Pink (2nd Generation)

Amazon.com Product Description--Posted September 9, 2008
The smallest, most wearable digital music player in the world now comes in three new colors. Get a 1 GB, 240-song iPod shuffle or a 2 GB, 500-song iPod shuffle--available in original silver and all-new, vibrant blue, green, and pink. Clip it to your sleeve, your belt, or your gym shorts for a little music wherever you go. Intuitive controls let you listen without looking: play, pause, move back, skip forward, and shuffle at the touch of a button. And if you think that's easy, wait until you see how iPod shuffle works with iTunes. Just drop iPod shuffle into its included dock, and with just one click, iTunes can automatically fill it with your favorite music.

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